Dynamics of disease transmission
High yield chapter -so much MCQ.
Dr Abhijit Vinodrao Boratne
Additional Professor Dept. of Community & Family Medicine AIlMS, Deoghar
Source and reservoir of infection
‣ Source - The person, animal, object or substance from which an infectious agent passes through or is disseminated to the host.
‣ Reservoir - Any person animal, arthropod plant, soil or substance in which infectious agent lives and multiplies on which it depends primarily for survival & where it reproduces itself in such a manner that can be transmitted to a susceptible host.
Reservoirs & Sources
‣ Hookworm - reservoir man, source - soil
‣ Tetanus - reservoir & source - soil
‣ Typhoid - reservoir - case or carrier , source- faeces, urine, milk
‣ Homologous - man(Victim) eg. V. cholera
‣ Heterologous - animals sources eg. salmonella
Types of reservoir
1. Human reservoir -
A. cases - a person in the population or study group identified as having the particular disease or health disorder or condition under investigation
‣ Spectrum of disease ⁃ clinical, subclinical and latent
Viva Qn
‣ Primary case - first case
‣ Index case - first noted by an investigator
‣ Secondary case -infected by primary case
Q) opposite of word case → control
case - person having that disease
control → having no ds.
‣ B. Carriers - an infected person or animal that harbours specific infectious agent in the absence of clinical disease & serves as potential source of infection.
Typhoid Mary
Classification of carriers
A. Type
a) Incubatory
b) Convalescent- he became alright, but yet can transmit ds to other
c) Healthy
B. Duration
b) Chronic
C. Portal of exit
a) Urinary eg. E. coli,
b) Intestinal
c) Respiratory
d) others
‣ Incubatory carriers -measles, polio, pertusis
‣ Convalescent - typhoid fever, dysentery
‣ Healthy carrier - polio, cholera, meningococcal meningitis
‣ Temporary - incubatory, convalescent & healthy
‣ Chronic -typhoid & hepatitis
‣ Portal of exit- urinary, intestinal, respiratory & nasal
2. Animal reservoir
‣ Zoonosis - Rabies, Yellow fever, Influenza
‣ Ornithosis and arboviruses - birds- histoplasmosis, mosquito borne encephalitis
3. Reservoir in non living things
Soil and inanimate matter - tetanus, anthrax, mycetoma
Modes of transmission
1. Direct
1. Direct
2. Droplet
3. Contact with soil
4. Inoculation in to skin or mucosa
5. Trans-placental (vertical)
2. Indirect
1. Vehicle borne
2. Vector borne Mechanical a. Biological b. 3.Air borne a. Droplet nuclei b. ust 4. Fomite borne 5.Unclean hands and fingers
Direct transmission
‣ Direct contact - skin to skin, mucosa to mucosa Eg: STD, AIDS & Leprosy ‣ Droplet infection -droplets of saliva or nasopharyngeal secretions (overcrowding, lack of ventilation) <5mm Eg: Tuberculosis, Diphtheria & Meningococcal meningitis
‣ Contact with soil - Hookworm, Tetanus, Mycosis ‣ Inoculation in to skin or mucosa- Rabies by saliva, Hepatitis B by syringes and needles ‣ Trans-placental (vertical)- TORCH, syphilis
B. Indirect transmission - 5F's - Food, Flies Fingers, Fluids, Faeces
1. Vehicle borne - water, food, fruits vegetables, ice, blood, S. aureus in food, Hepatitis A with water organ transplacentation - CMV
2. Vector borne - an arthropod that transmits infectious agent to a susceptible individual
Epidemiological classification of vector borne diseases
1.By Vector ‣ Invertebrate type -flies, mosquitoes, ticks, mites, Cyclops ‣ Vertebrate type-Mice, rodents
2.By transmission chain ‣ Man & non-vertebrate man-arthropod-man- malaria ‣ Man, non vertebrate and vertebrate man- arthropod-man -plague ‣ Man & 2 intermediate hosts-man-cyclops- fish-man-fish tape worm
3. By methods vector transmit
‣ Biting Regurgitation
‣ Scratching
‣ Contamination with fluids
4.By methods vectors are involved in transmission
‣ Mechanical -soiled proboscis or feet-typhoid
‣ Biological
Biological transmission
Infectious agent - multiplies or develop within IP ‣ Propagative -multiplies -Plague in rat flea ‣ Cyclo-Propagative -multiplies & develops- malaria in mosquito ‣ Cyclo-developmental -develops-Microfilaria in man ‣ Trans-ovarian - Dengue ‣ Trans-stadial -Ticks-Tyhus, Paralysis Encephalitis
‣ Droplet nuclei-1-10microns -dried residue of droplets ‣ Evaporation of droplets -sneezing &coughing ‣ Generated automated devices ‣ Accidently in lab ‣ Tuberculosis ,Influenza, Measles & resp infections ‣ Dust -Streptococci, Fungal spores- Coccidiodomycosis, fever
Fomite- borne
‣ Inanimate objects -other than food & water- towel, hand kerchief, spoon, instruments, toys -Diptheria, skin & eye infections Typhoid & Hepatitis A ‣ Unclean hands & fingers - hand to mouth - intestinal parasites Hepatitis A
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